Call for Papers

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • algorithms and tools for software synthesis and reactive
    (discrete-time, timed, hybrid, ...) synthesis,
  • specification languages and optimization in synthesis,
  • complexity and decidability results for synthesis,
  • case studies of software or hardware synthesis,
  • connections between verification and synthesis.

We welcome scientific contributions of the following forms:

  • regular papers (max. 15 pages in EPTCS style, excluding references),
  • tool papers (max. 7 pages in EPTCS style, excluding references),
  • presentation-only papers (extended abstracts of max. 2 pages in EPTCS style).

Submitted regular and tool papers must be original and unpublished. Submissions must be prepared in LaTeX using the EPTCS macro package. The publication of a paper is not intended to preclude later publication.

Presentation-only papers may describe already published work, or be under concurrent submission. They will not be publised as part of the workshop's proceedings.

Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscripts of full research papers are limited to a maximum of 15 pages (excluding references and technical appendices) in PDF format (EPTCS style).
  • Manuscripts of short tool papers are limited to a maximum of 7 pages (excluding references) in PDF format (EPTCS style).
  • Manuscripts of presentation-only papers are limited to a maximum of 2 pages (excluding references) in PDF format (EPTCS style).
Submissions must be prepared in LaTeX using the EPTCS macro package.
Authors should submit PDF files of their papers and manuscripts through EasyChair.

Important Dates

Paper submission April 22, 2016    May 6, 2016 (23:59 AoE)
Notification May 30, 2016
Workshop July 17-18, 2016